

This is our team name, and our games are open to everyone. There are about 30 of us at the moment -- 10 women and 20 men, aged about 25 to 45. Some teams find members online, and then are closed to new members. Our team, however is looking for new members, and both Japanese and foreigners are very welcome. Three of us speak English. If you are a foreigner and want to practice your Japanese, that's fine, too. Or you can just focus on the game itself. Our stance is "Feel free to come if you like. Even just once -- no problem!"


If you're interested in playing sometime, we'd be happy to hear from you! It costs ¥500 per person each time for the group court rental, but the first time is of course free. No obligation. Usually, when people find a team, they contact it to let it know they would like to come one time and check it out. Some players belong to a particular team, while others don't belong to any particular team. They can take part in various teams' games.





Here are some more details regarding the team system and our game’s schedule.


13:00-13:30  Free time. Chatting, stretching or shooting, as you like.

13:30-13:50  Warm-up. Running shots, jump shots, etc. in rotation.

                The other half of the court is available for shooting, too. It's up to you.


14:00-16:00  Games.  We make as many 5-member teams as possible, based

                largely on height, then play 8-10 eight-minute games in

                rotation. For example, Team A vs. Team B, B vs. C, C vs. A,

                etc. Halfway through, at about 15:00, we change up the teams.

                There are no referees, so you must self-report fouls.

                Teams are mixed (at the moment, for example, one team might

                have four men and one women. Depends on what's fair).

                Usually,we play basketball for FUN, but there are also a few

                competitions held every year!  


Saturdays or Sunday from 13:00 to 16:00. Three to four times a month, depending on gym reservation availability. We alternate between Kasuya Dome and CrossPal Koga. Both venues are full-sized courts.


Kasuya Dome is near JR Chojabaru Station (長者原駅), 15 minutes and ¥220 from Hakata.


CrossPal Koga is a little distant from JR Koga station (古賀駅), 19 minutes and ¥360 from Hakata. We'd pick you up by car for the 5 minute drive to the gym from Koga Station.


We look forward to hearing from you.